Increase Your Capacity With One Platform
Let go of disjointed and expensive end-point solutions to client onboarding and ongoing management processes.
The Four Eyes Intelligent Compliance Platform powers multiple SaaS products enabling firms to meet regulatory requirements, while exceeding client experience expectations and decreasing operational costs.
All from one platform.

Head Office
Risk7 Used by Head Office for firm analytics, KYC/KYP Trade Supervision, and Suitability Reviews.
- Intelligent alerts and automated reviews have been proven to give compliance teams 50% more capacity
- Macro view of “risk” allows firms to evenly distribute workloads and manage by priority

Risk4 A single interface for advisors, providing insights into performance, and enabling efficient communication with both head office and their clients.
- Streamline communication with head office compliance teams, advisor services and finops.
- See the activity timeline, correspondence logs and easily add docs to show your work.

Managing KYC
Digitally manage KYC through 4ms Client Onboarding and KYC material and non-material changes.
- Automate and track KYC last update
- Digitally update KYC and receive alerts for upcoming KYC maintenance
- Reduce client/advisor time spent on paperwork by 50% and failed document package submissions by 66%

Client Onboarding
4ms Powered by a survey engine and data validation, enabling pre-population and verification of information.
If you’re ready to build capacity with a system that has broader capabilities and is built to change, let’s chat.